redefining the future of social media
a context-aware distributed social networking framework

welcome to helios.

Imagine a new platform for building your own decentralised social media apps on Android allowing users to connect with people, stores, institutions, and even sensors according to their interests, location or availability, and giving the control and ownership of data back to the user generating content. Imagine the possibility of developing your apps with all these features and more in the safest possible way also allowing tools to monetise content and data. That is helios!

Funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Programme, the helios project is investigating and developing multiple technologies to make this possible with novel concepts for social graph creation and management grounded in trust and transparency.


helios project will design, implement and validate a state-of-the-art decentralised peer-to-peer social media platform to support the development of social media apps ensuring the highest level of trust and control for content creating and sharing in line with all the ethical and legal requirements.

use cases.

Based on Design Fiction methodology and Human-Centered design practice, helios project has based the definition of requirements, services and technologies that should be contemplated by the platform on three inspirational Use Cases. These showcase the needs and concerns of users on the use of social networks, and crystalize specific scenarios to demonstrate the capabilities and potential of the platform for the creation of decentralised social media apps.

who should be interested?

The same way that web designers take the full advantage of WordPress for the creation of templates, plug-ins and other tools facilitating the design of great websites, app developers can use helios open-source platform for the creation of specific modules and features for social networks, as well as for building their own decentralised social media apps for Android.

join the helios.challenge

Would you be interested in testing helios components and modules to build your own Android-based social media app, or perhaps to develop novel decentralised features? This is the perfect opportunity to do so! Join us on a unique global challenge only for app developers, to use the components our project consortium has built and create their own apps or features! The winning team will receive 1500 euros, the second team 500 euros and the third team 300 euros. In addition, members of these three teams will receive personal diplomas signed and stamped by the organizers.

helios. partners

External Collaborators

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N° 825585