ONLINE - Originally Yokohama, Japan
mAY 8TH-13TH, 2021
The theme for CHI 2021 in Yokohama Japan is “Making Waves, Combining Strengths” and this is reflected in our conference logo and planning for a hybrid-conference event. (日本語: CHI 2021 のテーマとロゴ).
The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference for the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). CHI is generally considered the most prestigious in the field of HCI and attracts thousands of international attendees annually. This flagship event is an exciting experience for delegates as it draws together both experienced and next-generation leaders in the field. The work presented at CHI has had a lasting and widespread impact on society, industry, and government. In 2021, our theme encourages authors and delegates to make waves as they feature the latest discoveries and advances in HCI and shake up the existing state of affairs.
Within the event, Pilar Orero from UAB participated in the 3-day workshop “Adaptative Accessible AR/VR Sytems”.
Abstract: Augmented, virtual and mixed reality technologies offer new ways of interacting with digital media. However, such technologies are not well explored for people with different ranges of abilities beyond a few specific navigation and gaming applications. While new standardization activities are investigating accessibility issues with existing AR/VR systems, commercial systems are still confined to specialized hardware and software limiting their widespread adoption among people with disabilities as well as seniors. This proposal takes a novel approach by exploring the application of user model-based personalization for AR/VR systems to improve accessibility. The workshop will be organized by experienced researchers in the field of human-computer interaction, robotics control, assistive technology, and AR/VR systems, and will consist of peer-reviewed papers and hands-on demonstrations. Keynote speeches and demonstrations will cover the latest accessibility research at Microsoft, Google, Verizon, and leading universities.
See the program of the event: