Press releases

Press Release: “HELIOS project launches the Final Release of its platform and components for the development of P2P Social Media services and Android-based apps”

During 36-months, the HELIOS project has been working on the development of advanced modules, components and APIs to allow easier and faster creation of decentralized P2P social media apps by external communities of developers Madrid. February 9, 2022. The project HELIOS, funded by the European Commission as part of its H2020 Programme, has reached the […]

Press releases

IRG-AVA – Intersector Rapporteur Group Audiovisual Media

BADALONA, SPAIN | SEPTEMBER 24TH, 2021 ????????????????????????The IRG-AVA studies topics related to audiovisual media accessibility and aims at developing draft Recommendations for “Access Systems” that can be used for all media delivery systems, including broadcast, cable, Internet, and IPTV. The IRG also addresses matters contributing to the coordination of the standardization work of the involved […]

Press releases

Special Issue “Decentralization and New Technologies for Social Media

Information (ISSN 2078-2489; CODEN: INFOGG) is a scientific peer-reviewed open access journal of information science and technology, data, knowledge, and communication, and is published monthly online by MDPI. Organised by our partner Barbara Guidi from the Università di Pisa, the goal of this Special Issue is to collect research contributions, applications, analyses, methodologies, or strategies […]

Press releases

Press Release: ” EU-funded project HELIOS launches the Beta Release of its platform for the development of Decentralised Social Media services and Android-based apps “

The Beta Release offers multiple innovative components and services with a decentralized approach for giving back the control to users of the ownership and management of their content and data on social media apps. September 18, 2020. The project HELIOS, funded by the European Commission as part of its H2020 Programme, has launched the Beta […]

Press releases

Citizen Journalism Report App

MAY 25, 2020 | nEWS SWISS TXT has released its new “CJ Report App” in a first version for Android. It is available to the HELIOS consortium for testing, as an apk in the development repository (Gitlab).  This version shows the features of how a Citizen Journalist can use self-produced articles anonymously, in a decentralized […]

Press releases

Research Note: OverTheBlock – Social Media Chapter

LINKS Foundation launched a market observatory on Blockchain and tokenized economy to provide decision-makers with a comprehensive window into the possibilities ushered-in by Distributed Ledgers Technologies (DLTs) as a game-changer in business, government and society. Read the Medium article

Press releases

HELIOS 4th Project Meeting

FEBRUARY 11-13, 2020 | BARCELONA, SPAIN Hosted by Escola Massana, the 4th project meeting of HELIOS gathered all participants to check the progress and status of different work packages and tasks with an important focus towards the Beta Release that will be launched in Summer 2020.

Press releases

HELIOS 2nd Technical Meeting

JANUARY 23, 2020 | BARCELONA, SPAIN Hosted by Atos, the meeting focused on the refinement of the Use Cases developed through Design Fiction Methodology in order to determine the technical input required for the upcoming releases.

Press releases

HELIOS 3rd Project Meeting

OCTOBER 15-16, 2019 | DUBLIN, IRELAND Hosted by ADAPT Centre and Trinity College Dublin, the 2-day meeting included presentations of all the WP Leaders with strategic discussions and interactive workshops about the technical development of the project and the three Use Cases!

Press releases


SWISS TXT demonstrated the feasibility of European research project HELIOS at the Jungfrau Marathon in Interlaken. Discover the insights and social media content that was created with the mobile app and video exchange platform of HELIOS in this article. We will present the full use case on our stand at the IBC2019 in Amsterdam. ORGANISER’S […]