This Café series is a cross-project collaboration between the Horizon 2020 European Research Projects HELIOS and AI4EU in the current Next Generation Internet Program.
HELIOS is pleased to announce its new cross-project collaboration with the aim of disseminating its main results and findings.
On this opportunity, HELIOS will leverage AI4EU Web Cafés, a well-known initiative of virtual live sessions with experts on specific research, innovation and technology domains, organised and moderated by Carmen Mac Williams, Director of the company Grassroots Arts and partner in HELIOS and AI4EU projects.
If you are interested in HELIOS work, don’t miss the chance to join us on the following dates:
- February 23rd, 2021 – “Next Generation of a rewarding system for social networks”, by Vanessa Clemente from Wordline Mobile Competence Center
- March 9th, 2021 – “Evaluation and piloting challenges due to COVID’19” by Pau Pamplona from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
- March 10th, 2021 – “Blockchain and decentralised social media” by Barbara Guidi from University of Pisa
- May 11th, 2021 – “HELIOS open-source toolkit to implement decentralised, trustworthy social networking apps- and services” by Ville Ollikainen from VTT
- May 18th, 2021 – “Exploitation Roadmap for HELIOS platform” by Clara Canova from LINKS Foundation
- June 2nd, 2021 – “Helios Apps” by Vasiliki Gkatziaki from CERTH
Stay in touch for more details and the respective registration link of each one of the Cafés.