
Webinar on Horizon Europe Funding Program and EDF and ORACLE scholarship award ceremony


Organised by the European Disability Forum (EDF) to build the capacity in the area of knowledge, skills, tools and funding. EDF wants to support its members in applying for European funding. The new Funding and Grants Officer Magdalena Verseckas will present the overview of available European funding and ways that EDF’s members can use the support of EDF’s secretariat in this domain.

As we know, necessity is the mother of invention and to properly identify what is needed the EU created the Horizon Europe funding programme dedicated to research. This funding stream will be presented by Pilar Orero from The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, including a short overview of the HELIOS project.

After the training, this year’s EDF & ORACLE e-accessibility scholarship award ceremony will be held online. During the ceremony, the winner will be announced and will have the opportunity to introduce their project concept. Representatives of EDF and ORACLE, as well as members of this year’s jury, will share their thoughts on the scholarship, why they find the programme important and their reasons for selecting this year’s winner.